European meeting of coordinators of the EDJC / General Assembly of the AEPJ

March 28 and 29, 2019- Tbilisi, Georgia

This year will be the 20th anniversary of the European Days of Jewish Culture. The project enters its adult life thanks to the work, commitment and effort of many volunteers and coordinators. As usual, an open meeting of coordinators is organized every two years to review progress, evaluate and, of course, think about the future. Define the lines of work and the central themes for the next editions.

This year the meeting of European coordinators will take place on March 27 in Tbilisi, Georgia, with the help and support of the Israeli House, a member institution of the AEPJ. Soon we will send information about the logistics and program of the meeting. Please save the date!

For those institutions that are members of the AEPJ, the next General Assembly of the Association will be held the next day, on March 28, in the same city.

For more information, you can contact us at


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