François Moyse participates in the Carlos V awards ceremony

Last week, François Moyse, president of the AEPJ, participated in representation of the AEPJ and the European Route of the Jewish Heritage, in the ceremony of delivery of the Carlos V awards. Some notes on the ceremony by the president of the AEPJ:

"On 9 May, the day of Europe, a ceremony was held in the impressive Royal Monastery in Yuste, in the region of Extremadura, in Spain.

The Carlos V Prize is awarded every year and has been given in the past to prestigious individual laureates like Jacques Delors, Simone Veil or Marcelina Oreja.

This year was the first time that a collective undertaking was awarded the prize, namely the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, among them obviously the European Route of Jewish Heritage.

Over 20 Routes were represented at the ceremony. After several speeches and a video presentation about the Routes, the award was presented to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Mr. Jagland, by His Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain.

After the speech of thanks of Mr. Jagland, H.M. the King of Spain answered and in his speech, mentioned the European Institute of Cultural Routes.

The representatives of the Routes were then asked to wait in the gardens of the Monastery to be able to meet H. M. the King Felipe. When my turn was coming I mentioned being the representative of the European Route of Jewish Heritage. A group photo was then taken in these beautiful gardens.

The award granted to the Routes is an important step to the recognition of the involvement of civil society in the Council of Europe's work and even beyond on the cultural scene in Europe as a whole.

I was privileged to represent all our members and partners, who have shaped the European Route of Jewish Heritage . The collective award to all Routes, including ours , is also and foremost an award to everyone of you.

Therefore I extend the congratulations of the jury to all of us, to all of you!"


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