Final Conference of the DECRA (developing European cultural routes for all)

This morning was the kick off the last transnational meeting of the DECRA project in Cluny, France.

This meeting, co-organized by the French Federation of European Cultural Routes, Center de Monuments Nationuax, Ville de Cluny and the European Federation of Cluniac Sites, will focus on the evaluation of these 22 months of project, as well as the exploration of possibilities for project continuity. In this sense, different presentations, workshops and discussion spaces will be organized among all the representatives of the Cultural Routes participating in the project.

Likewise, next Thursday, the project website will be presented, which will serve as an open database on good practices and experiences of heritage projects. On behalf of the European Route of Jewish Heritage, Jean Pierre Lambert and Marc Friedman (JECPJ-France) participate, together with Assumpcio Hosta (AEPJ General Secretary), Federica Pastoret (AEPJ intern) and Victor Sorenssen (AEPJ Director).

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