The opening ceremony of the European Days of Jewish Culture 2019 in Catalonia.


On September 6th the Patronat del Call, one of ours members, has celebrated the opening ceremony of the of the European Day of Jewish Culture in Catalonia at Casa Adret, AEPJ headquarters.

The opening ceremony consisted of an institutional reception filled with a visit of Casa Adret. The meeting was attended by representative members from several catalan institutions: Catalan Government, Municipality of Barcelona, Municipality of Girona, representative members of the Jewish Commuity, etc. The ceremony was conducted by Víctor Sorenssen, AEPJ Director. Also, adressed words to the public Mr. Marcel·lí Joan i Alsinella, the General Director of Religious Affairs of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Mr. Khalid Ghali, the Commissioner for Intercultural Dialogue and Religious Pluralism, from the Barcelona City Council, Mr. Carles Ribas Gironès, the Vice President of the AEPJ, and the Councilor for Culture, Territorial Promotion and Youth in the People's Rights Area and 3rd Deputy Mayor of the City Council of Girona, , Daniela Rosenfeld, director of the Jewish Film Festival and Marcel Odina, director of Mozaika.

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Program in Catalonia

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