Hanukkah candle lighting from Girona

From 11:30 to 7 pm, on Monday 23th December, coinciding with the lighting of the second hanukkiah candle, Patronat del Call de Girona held several Hanukkah activities: Activity for children based on the subject of Hanukkah; a Sufganiot workshop, this activity was led by Toldot Barcelona; and the lighting of the second hanukkiah candle at the Courtyard of the Bonastruc ça Porta Center.


- 11.30 am Activity for children. Preparing the Hanukkah celebration.

- 3 pm Sufganiot workshop. Barri Vell Civic Center.

- 7 pm Lighting the Hanukkah candles. Courtyard of the Bonastruc ça Porta Center.

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