Download now the Dialogue exhibition for the European Days of Jewish Culture 2021 and apply for a Printing Grant

For the fifth consecutive year, the European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage (AEPJ), as organiser of the European Days of Jewish Culture, is collaborating with the National Library of Israel by making available to any festival coordinator who requests it, an exhibition produced by the team of the Gesher l'Europa programme of the National Library of Israel.

On this occasion, the NLI offers a modular design, featuring main text blocks and separate image blocks marked with the name of the panel to which they belong. They should be printed separately and can be hung in whatever arrangement that pleases. They can also be printed as consecutive pages for a brochure, making sure to insert the text files before the image files.

In the folder that coordinators can download after filling in the following form they will find the PDF files in English of all the materials as well as editable files in Adobe Illustrator that they can translate into their local languages and re-edit.

Also this year, thanks to the NOA project, AEPJ is offering 70 grants of 500€ to print these materials.

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