Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe: 2018 Activity Report
The EPA Secretariat has presented the release of the 2018 Activity Report of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe Programme, prepared in cooperation with the European Institute of Cultural Routes.
2018 has been an exceptional year for the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. Three new member States joined the Enlarged Partial Agreement (EPA) on Cultural Routes (Finland, Turkey and the Holy See), two new certifications brought the programme to 33 certified Cultural Routes (“Via Charlemagne” and “Impressionisms Routes”) and the European Institute of Cultural Routes celebrated its 20th anniversary. Last year has also been marked by a great number of events and activities, such as the 8th Annual EPA Advisory Forum in Görlitz, Germany, the 7th Training Academy along the European Routes of Emperor Charles V, in Yuste, Spain, and the presence at international fairs (Paris, Berlin, Madrid).
Revisit some of last year’s key moments institutional activities and Cultural Routes’ events through the 2018 Activity Report, now available online at the following links: