Join the European Days of Jewish Culture 2019!

Sunday September 1rd, 2019. However, in several countries events and activities are being planned before and after this date.

We have already prepared the first containing information for planning the next edition of the European Day of Jewish Culture 2019. Also find in this link the first graphic images, so you can also start using them and editing them. In these days, we are going to publish it as well in our webiste:

From now until June, we will keep you updated, with ideas, activities and publishing materials which will lead to a complete kit, full of contents for your activities. We are very aware of your responsibility and commitment to this cultural initiative that year after year, grows and develops thanks to you.

Tell us if you are interested in participating in a coordinated activity between several cities, where you can develop a similar program agreed between the different parties

From our part, we will continue to inform and keep you updated on materials. As you will see in the images, the AEPJ has created a stamp that should be included in the EDJC graphic material.

We are proud to be able to participate actively in the wide range of activities that will take place in Europe in this framework. For any questions, opinions, suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us: Victor Sorenssen: Manu Valentin:


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