European Days of Jewish Culture meeting and AEPJ General Assembly 2019

We are very pleased to report that yesterday the meeting of European coordinators of the European Days of Jewish Culture of the AEPJ was held in Tblisi, Georgia.

In fact, it has been the kick off of the general program of the General Assembly of the Association, which will be held tomorrow. The day began with the inauguration of the program in the Ministry of Culture of Georgia, with the interventions of: Levan Kharatishvili, Head of the Cabinet of the Minister, Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection; Tamar Chugoshvili, First Deputy Chairperson of the Parlament of Georgia; Hilik Bar, Member of Knesset and Secretary General of the Labour Party; Itsik Moshe, Chairman of Israeli House and François Moyse, AEPJ President.

After the inauguration Jeremy Leigh, member of the Scientific Committee of the AEPJ, offered a presentation on the role of Jewish culture in Europe today. In the presentation, Leigh discussed the opportunities and different approaches on this axis, on which the work of the AEPJ will revolve. Without a doubt, a source of inspiration. Then, the members of the AEPJ and the different coordinators held different work meetings where the development of the European Days of Jewish Culture of the last years was evaluated. Likewise, the National Library of Israel presented the work in cooperation with the AEPJ in the last three years, through the Gesher L'Europa program.

In the afternoon session the delegates were divided into different committees to work on the following topics: Communication strategies of the network, celebration of the 20 years of the European Days of Jewish Culture and the central theme of the EDJC for the next two years. Likewise, the renewal of the Task Force Group for the European Days of Jewish Culture was approved for the period 2019-2021, which will be integrated by France, Austria, Georgia and Italy, as well as the National Library of Israel and the AEPJ.

Once the work meetings were over, the delegates attended a reception at the Israeli House, organization that has hosted the program and to which we would like to thank for their warm welcome, and congratulate for the fantastic work done.

It was a very busy and exciting day, with many expectations for the future of the European Days of Jewish Culture. This morning will be held the General Assembly of the AEPJ, also in the Ministry of Culture of Georgia, where it is expected to vote, among other things, the ratification of new members who will be part of the AEPJ.

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