Religious Heritage in a Diverse Europe- Groningen, The Netherlands

The AEPJ is participating in the conference "Religious Heritage in a Diverse Europe:New Directions in Practice, Policy & Scholarship", which takes place in Groningen between the 19th and the 21st of June.

The conference aim is to create an encounter between scholars and heritage professionals, in order to discuss together how religious heritage is communicated, designed and experienced in diverse societies. The sessions seek to identify how religious heritage might be used as a force of inclusion, rather than exclusion of religious minorities in Europe and beyond. During three exciting days, the participants will approach religious heritage from different perspectives: those of the academy, education, museums, and preservation, as well as those of religious and secular communities and organizations. In this framework, Victor Sorenssen, director of the AEPJ will present a session with Julia Martinez Ariño (University of Groningen) next Friday on "Dialogue through Heritage".

The conference is organized by the University of Groningen, Future for Religious Heritage, The Groningen Historic Churches Foundation, Catharijne Convent Museum and the Jewish Cultural Quarter (Amsterdam). You can follow the news in the hashtag #RelHer2019

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