European Days of Jewish Culture 2019 in the media

Already in its 20th edition, this year's European Days of Jewish Culture, celebrated throughout Europe from 1 September, and it's being a complete success.

The theme chosen for this year's European Days of Jewish Culture is the 20th anniversary of the event itself. Due to this historical date, we believe that this should be the axis of this year's EDJC.

Twenty years ago, the European Days of Jewish Culture was born to combat collective forgetfulness and to dignify European Jewish heritage. This year celebrating its 20th edition, the fundamental objective of this European-wide event is to highlight the diversity and richness of Judaism, with the firm intention of promoting dialogue, recognition and exchange through conferences, concerts, performances, guided tours and other activities, which take place simultaneously throughout the continent.

We believe that this year's 20th edition is particularly important. Due to the rise of the intolerance, we are faced with a serious threat. In reaction to this rise of anti-Semitism, the EDJC acts as a strong defender of diversity and coexistence.

We see the promotion of Jewish cultural heritage, and as it being an integral part of European history, as a key factor in the prevention of anti-Semitic stereotypes and prejudices taking root and increasing resilience against intolerance.

Today, more than one million Jews live in Europe. They are an integral part of multicultural Europe, active participants in almost all aspects of civic and public life in their countries. Jewish contributions to the arts and sciences continue unabated in Europe. However, the memory of the 20th century persists, increasing the need for continuous tolerance and mutual understanding between Jewish communities and their neighbors.

European Days of Jewish Culture 2019 in the media

The Forward

In Europe, A Festival Insists That Jewish Culture Is As Important As Ever

"On September 1, 2019, the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II, 34 countries will observe the European Days of Jewish Culture, opening the doors of historic synagogues and engaging local communities in over 400 cities throughout the continent. That anniversary is notable, but rather than focusing on the Holocaust and its near-obliteration of Europe's Jewry, the European Days strives to shine a light on the vibrancy of Jewish tradition before and after the Shoah..." (+ Info)

The Times of Israel

Dozens of synagogues to open to public on 20th European Days of Jewish Culture

"Some of Europe's most exquisite synagogues will open to the public on the 20th edition of the annual European Days of Jewish Culture. Among the synagogues that on September 1 will be greeting visitors is the Portuguese Synagogue of The Hague. Less known than its larger and older counterpart in Amsterdam, the 18th-century Hague synagogue is more complex architecturally, featuring a glass dome that spans its two buildings." (+Info)

The Jerusalem Post


"On Sept. 1, the Beth Jehoeda Liberal Jewish Community, which uses the synagogue, will host under the glass canopy a concert with cantorial flavors, Jewish Heritage The Hague wrote in a statement. During the European events, visitors will gain access in guided tours and individual visits to synagogues that are usually closed to the general public for security reasons, as well as Jewish cemeteries and even Jewish hospitals in 25 European countries. The events seek to combat collective forgetfulness and to dignify European Jewish heritage, wrote the Council of Europe, which coordinates the events." (+Info).

The Jewish News

Ornate shuls to open for European Days of Jewish Culture

"The Council of Europe, which co-ordinates the events, said the idea behind the open day was ?to combat collective forgetfulness and to dignify European Jewish heritage. The synagogue of Bourtange in the Dutch province of Friesland showed off a 200-year-old stained-glass window that the building received in June. Almost all of the Jews of Frieslandwere murdered in the Holocaust. The Bourtange synagogue displayed an exhibition about Bergen-Belsen." (+Info)

Total Slovenia News

European Days of Jewish Culture Start in Five Slovenian Towns, on Until 18 September 2019

"A series of events will be held between today and 18 September in five Slovenian towns to mark the European Days of Jewish Culture. The all-European project, taking place in Slovenia for the 20th year in a row, will provide the visitors with a deep insight into individual aspects of Jewish culture and heritage." (+Info)

Le Republicain Lorrain

Journées européennes de la culture juive de Lorraine : grand concert de lancement ce dimanche

"Dimanche 8 septembre, à 17 h, en la Synagogue consistoriale de Metz, 39, rue Elie-Bloch, un concert liturgique intitulé Tfila sera donné par le Chur de la grande Synagogue de la Victoire de Paris, à l'occasion du lancement des Journées européennes de la culture juive." (+Info)

Midi Libre

Montpellier : Michaël Iancu a conduit la visite du mikvé, bain rituel juif médiéval

"Dans le cadre des journées européennes de la culture et du patrimoine juifs, une quarantaine de Montpelliérains ont visité, dimanche 8 septembre, le mikvé. Émotion et émerveillement, ce dimanche matin, pour une quarantaine de Montpelliérains venue visiter le mikvé, ce bain rituel juif médiéval, dans le cadre des journées européennes de la culture et du patrimoine juifs. Une initiative à mettre à l?actif de l?institut Maïmonide-Averroès-Thomas d'Aquin en collaboration avec l'office de tourisme de Montpellier." (+Info)

Il Messaggero

Roma, torna la giornata della Cultura ebraica: tra sogni, musica e degustazioni kasher

"L'appuntamento è per domenica. Torna il 15 settembre la Giornata europea della cultura ebraica, giunta quest'anno alla ventesima edizione. La manifestazione, che vede la partecipazione di trentaquattro Paesi europei, ha l'obiettivo di approfondire la storia, la cultura e le tradizioni dell'ebraismo attraverso visite guidate, concerti, incontri d'autore, spettacoli e degustazioni kasher." (+Info)

Torino Today

Piemonte | XX Giornata Europea della Cultura Ebraica | Domenica 15 settembre 2019 XX Giornata Europea della Cultura Ebraica, iniziative in 14 città del Piemonte Domenica 15 settembre. Eventi in 15 Regioni e 88 località italiane. (+Info)

El Norte de Castilla

La Jornada Europea de la Cultura Judía mira al futuro y el patrimonio

"La Jornada Europea de la Cultura Judía celebra este año su vigésima edición. Organizada bajo el amparo de la Red de Juderías de España, Segovia se suma a esta efemérides con una programación que sigue la temática elegida para este año, 'Mirando al futuro, patrimonio y modernidad', y que comenzó ayer por la tarde con dos visitas guiadas, la 'Senda de los Suspiros' y 'Cuentos de la Aljama Hebrea'. La jornada concluye esta tarde en el patio de la Casa de Andrés Laguna con el concierto de Klezmática." (+Info)

El Periódico de Extremadura

Cáceres muestra su legado judío y abre este fin de semana sus torres Unas 300 personas se sumaron ayer a las jornadas europeas de la cultura hebrea. (+Info)

Badische Zeitung

Am Sonntag wird in der Region der Tag der jüdischen Kultur begangen

"Mehrere Veranstaltungen finden zum Europäischen Tag der Jüdischen Kultur am 1. September im Dreiland statt. Seine Bedeutung beleuchtet Landesrabbiner Moshe Flomenmann in einem Vortrag." (+Info)


Am Sonntag, 1. September, findet der Europäische Tag der Jüdischen Kultur statt. Daran beteiligen sich Einrichtungen aus rund 30 Ländern, auch die Stadt Crailsheim. Der Tag hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Beiträge des Judentums zur Kultur Europas in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart aufzuzeigen. In Crailsheim gibt es zwei Führungen und ein Konzert. (+Info)


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