The Jewish Heritage Incubator: Bucharest, October 3 and 4.

Greetings from Bucharest, Romania!

The AEPJ is carrying out the Jewish Heritage Incubator program for the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR). Since yesterday and until this afternoon, managers of the different Jewish Heritage Routes are participating in this program, where with the assistance and mentoring of the Scientific Committee they are working on the development of their projects. Likewise, we are exploring different types of collaborations within the framework of the Danube macro region, presenting future Routes projects and evaluating together the development of the European Route in general. In these two days we are combining key note sessions, workshops in small groups, and sessions focused on the educational field of projects, and on the other hand, the development of networks and the economic sustainability of projects. In these two days we are facing the challenges related to Jewish heritage together, as a community. A network that aspires to be more than a netwrok. The AEPJ is a community, a community of ideas, a working community.

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