The Fab Routes: Digital Skills To Promote EU Cultural Routes

Last Wednesday the first workshop of the FabRoutes project, one of a series of three, was held with the objective of stimulating the exchange among Cultural Routes on their governance model and open a discussion on the way to solve management problems knowing that the goal of each Cultural Route is to achieve the priority fields of action. This activity can be considered the first step in the design of a Model Strategy that should enable Cultural Routes to better integrate existing cultural and tourism services systems. Within this framework the project focus on three axes: Governance (relationship between the head of the Route and its members); Cooperation or Networking (the relationship with the cultural and tourist eco-system); Communication.

The first meeting was focused on Governance, meaning the way the head of the Route builds and manages the relationship with its members. The result was a very interesting workshop, where we were able to present the type of governance of the AEPJ and the European Route of Jewish Heritage, as well as to hear about the models of other cultural routes certified by the Council of Europe. We also created spaces for debate and reflection on challenges, opportunities and models among the representatives of the Routes.

The workshop was held online, with the precious contribution of Professors Patrizia Battilani and Alessia Mariotti of the University of Bologna.

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